Whether you make $100,000 a year, or $1,000,000 a year, Eight Media specializes in creating customized online strategies that help you reach you next milestone
In the process of consulting for and servicing hundreds of clients across different industries, we were able to recognize the following problems:
1. Digital marketing knowledge is readily available online, but majority of businesses have not started utilizing it because of not knowing where to start.
2. Once small businesses are able to start with digital marketing, they are easily overwhelmed by multiple digital marketing channels they constantly have to maintain, study, and translate into action steps (sources like social media, email, or online ads).
We’ve created a business out of this by manually managing our clients’ digital marketing channels and conducting training sessions to start and maintain digital marketing in organizations— a business that has given results to our clients such as a 400% increase in leads, a 200% increase in revenue, and a 40% decrease in overall ad spend.