Agency Profile


What we do: At En3mots, we’re expert in marketing, high-end design and advanced technical development. We concieve digital strategies, create websites, mobile applications, interactive greeting cards, manage social networks, invent advergames, generate qualified trafic mastering adwords and Facebook ads and track performance. Who we are: 2012 - FACEBOOK PREFERRED MARKETING DEVELOPER En3mots was admitted in the Facebook perferred marketing developer program. This status reflects our proficiency in creating smart services deep integrated into the leading social network. 2013 – GOOGLE PARTNER En3mots became partner to Google for its extensive knowledge in dealing with analytics and adwords. Beginning 2014 – Operating from Paris, Geneva, London and Kiev, our 30 people team deals with local and international digital communication campaigns, handling multi language and cultural specificities. Some clients: Chopard, Weleda, Christofle, Comptoir des cotinniers, Agnès b., Nuxe, IKKS, Petit Bateau, Casino de Paris, Thierry Mugler, Bourjois, Casino de Paris, Clarins Frangrance Group, Coty...

Sponsorship in February 2025