Agency Profile

First Step to Recovery

Houston, United States


At First Step To Recovery, our mission is to set in place the fundamentals for successful recovery and transition back into a healthy sober life. Our experience has taught us and millions more, the importance of laying the proper groundwork for a sober way of life via our Houston drug rehab & alcohol rehab outpatient treatment program. In the modern recovery era, which started 84 years ago, we’ve discovered that use of group therapy, individual therapy, 12 step education, and a support system remain the same tools used today as they were in the beginning. The reason being, they work and have been used by many to achieve and maintain sobriety, improve mental health, and behavioral health. Our goal is to guide clients at the beginning of their recovery journey and build a framework for a new way of life. We help our clients live a life free of substance abuse through our Houston outpatient treatment; a way of life most alcoholics and drug addicts didn’t think was possible!

Sponsorship in December 2024