Agency Profile

GSD Software Polska

Łódź, Poland


We are a product company that creates innovative solutions with high attention to code quality and outcome. Creating efficient, good-looking web and mobile applications is our goal.

We have a flat structure, we live agile, we experiment with the latest technologies and focus on building professional, long-lasting relationships.

The vision is to build your own applications and systems that provide users with all the information they need at a given moment.

Our main programming langauges are:

  • JavaScript / TypeScript
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • Dart withing Flutter

On mobile, we design the architecture of our applications with MVP and MVVM patterns. We have experience with Realm and SQLite DBs and on/offline functionalities, including extensive synchronization algorithms.

Web development is driven with JavaScript/TypeScript combination. Web backend is based on node.js, frontend on vue.js. Our e-Commerce comes with Vue Storefront. We do have also extensive experience withing PHP 7.x. PWA and RWD are states of the art of our products. Real scalability is always part of the architecture (combination of Redux, RabbitMQ, Redis).

Code quality is very important, so all kind of Tests, Code Review, Merge Requests, Lint, Code Kata are part of our process.

We do a setup of CI and CD based on Jenkins.

Contact us for more details!

Sponsorship in February 2025