Agency Profile


Kyiv, Ukraine


Develop your Complex data System with Open-source: Open-source enterprise solutions for companies working with big volume dynamic data bases. All in one - from backend to frontend.

Make your System secure, stable and PCI DSS compliant: We perform External & Internal Penetration Tests and complex scanning of your IT infrastructure to help in search for vulnerabilities. Based on such diagnostics we implement security policies, procedures and reports, compliant with PCI DSS.

Stability is also Security: Systems design and architecture is what makes them stable, we add loads balancing, automated backups and logging to fine-tune our architecture. We have a great track record of servers up and working as well as 24/7 support.

Integrate your Tools from Zero or Into existing Infrastructure: We have a large-scale dynamic database company that decided to migrate their CBDs from Amazon to Ukraine, and we built the infrastructure and functionality based on available open source solutions in on-premises data centers. The MK-CONSULTING team provided data transfer, transfer of system modules, support and development of the system, which had more than 40 TB of data, 200,000+ active users, more than 300 servers, which was done with the optimization of all development environments and without interruption of service by the system.

Our mission: Providing innovative and effective IT solutions which help our clients grow their businesses and realize their goals.

Sponsorship in March 2025