Agency Profile

Neti sp. z o.o.

Rzeszów, Poland


Evolving enterprices by taking the risk out of change

Neti is a small and flexible software house and technology partner for companies looking for long term engaged software development team.

Working with us you may expect:

  • High-quality engineers - the reliable team managed by us or by You (depending on your preferences)
  • Synergy effect - knowledge of all our team will work for you
  • Prooven track - we are not new; we have defined patterns to work in a most effective way to setup your project, deliver it continuously and finally deploy & maintain in a most efficient way
  • full service - if you need graphics designer or mockups you don't need to look for it; it's already in our office. The same is with testers, project managers and DevOps.

We want to solve your technical and technological problems and let you focus on the business part. We use cutting edge technologies and production verified patterns, which makes our work manageable and predictable.

Sponsorship in February 2025