For each idea you have, for any request you place we help you to discover & develop ideal combination of services and solutions
What we do:
Web applications & web sites
AR, VR, MR in
Machine learning
Technical Support
Technologies we used:
1. Backend: Node.js, Go lang, PHP, Python, C++, .NetCore
2. Frontend: Vue.js, ReactJS, three.js, webGL
3. AR/VR/MR: SparkAR, AR Core, AR Kit, Vuforia, Wikitude, AR Tool kit, Easy AR, MaxST
4. Mobile: Unity3D, React Native, Flutter, Java, Swift
5. Artifical intelligence: Dlib, TensorFlow, OpenCV
-AWS: EC2, S3, ECS, Docker
-BSD: Nginx, Apache, php-fpm, Mysql, MongoDB, PosgreSQL, Squid, Bind, ftpd, ProFTPD, Nagios, NAT, IPFW. PF, kernel NAT, DHCPd, memcached, postfix, VPN, kernel compile.
-Linux(Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu, Ponix, etc.): bash, squid, transparent squid, dns, dhcp, nfs, tfpdboot, PXE, iptables, apache, nginx, ftp, nat, vpn, postfix, kernel compile.
- Windows Server: 2003, 2008, 2012, 2019: AD, RDP, GP, DHCP, DNS, RRAS, VPN, HYPER-V, BACKUP