Agency Profile

Toronto Creatives

Toronto, Canada


Toronto Creatives is an interdisciplinary creative team with a diverse set of experiences, interests and points of view.

An independent design and digital focused firm since 2005 Toronto Creatives expanded to include video production and end-to-end branding services anfter a considerable growth spurt in 2015. We also produce experiencial marketing when appropriate and depending on the scale, will engage a partnered event produer.

We take on a limited number of large projects throughout the year and reserve time for a number of clients on retainers. We're always open to growing our business and as we take on additional retainers, we secure additonal talent on our team.

We like to take a branding project from concept to compleation with a close creative eye on every touch point; however we also work on smaller projects thougout the year and specialize in small-med business growth. 

Sponsorship in March 2025